• More Than A Pretty Bottle...


Our Olive Oil


The Land

Our olives come from the mountains of Sicily where olive trees have grown for millennia.  The nutrient rich soil, Mediterranean climate and ancient trees create the perfect conditions for world class olives.

           The Harvest             

Our olives are handpicked to ensure that the aromas, flavors and positive chemical attributes are maintained at the highest level.  This is in contrast to more efficient and cost effective industrial harvesting which can vibrate and bruise olives triggering a process associated with decomposition of their natural, beneficial attributes.  


Our olives arrive at the mill within 24 hours of harvesting.  We use centrifugal milling equipment which produces better quality oil than traditional pressed oil.

Health Benefits

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Forza Vitale

If you enjoy your food on the peppery side, you will love our Forza Vitale, which is made from 100% organic Coratina olives grown in Sicily. Containing notes of green apple, arugula and bitter almonds. At first taste, you will experience a bold, buttery smooth sensation that will be met with a strong peppery finish. You may love it so much that you want to pour it on everything. Or, should you prefer a milder olive oil, consider our Sicilian Blend.


Sicilian Blend

Our Sicilian Blend is a perfect balance of fruitiness, pungency and bitterness that can only be found in the finest olive oils. The blend consists of Nocellara, Biancolilla and Cerasuola cultivars. Containing notes of avocado, artichoke and ripe tomato. It’s a smooth EVOO that is sure to delight all palates.
